Popular Deck Destruction Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks

The latest Deck Destruction type Yu-Gi-Oh! decks uploaded to ygoprodeck.com.

View All Deck Destruction Decks

Fun/Casual Decks
300 30
Peaceful Gingerbread Recipe (Non-Cheating Version) Burning and deck destroying opponent's deck while you peacefully gain life points.
- 4 years ago
15,125 13
Fun/Casual Decks
270 60
Peaceful Gingerbread Recipe Deck that prevents monsters with 1500 ATK or more from attacking, gives you life points consistently and destroys anything that goes over 2500. Also c
- 4 years ago
6,813 15
Anime Decks
60 30
Mr. Armstrong Character Deck Time To Put The Chains On The Inmates For Good And Chain Them Down
- 4 years ago
7,540 0
Fun/Casual Decks
240 -
Venom Detruction Sap your enemies' strength and make them mourn their losses with the "Venom Destruction" Deck! Force your opponent to watch helplessly as their monste
- 4 years ago
8,811 50
Non-Meta Decks
480 420
Deck Destruction Once you draw Mystic Mine and protect it with Field Barrier, you can steadily mill your opponent's deck through the worms and the books.
Amgad El-Sakka
- 4 years ago
18,245 6
Fun/Casual Decks
360 -
Disease/Virus/Parasite/Worm/Plague Deck time to infect the field and win the battle
- 4 years ago
17,969 0
Fun/Casual Decks
720 600
Dark World-Deck Destruction Deck Out/Fun deck
Regulus Corneas
- 4 years ago
6,680 0
Non-Meta Decks
600 360
D/D/D Contrarian This is the current iteration of my D/D/D Deck. It may not be the meta deck, or have everything the professionals have, but I've been able to build a
- 4 years ago
2,893 0
Fun/Casual Decks
390 60
Anti Exodia Virus Deck with this Deck you shall but a stop to Exodia The Forbidden One
- 4 years ago
9,378 0
Fun/Casual Decks
120 30
Slime Deck with this slimy deck you shall make the field slimy
- 4 years ago
19,243 0
Anime Decks
180 120
Makoto Inotsume/Espa Roba Character Deck with both Makoto Inotsume and Espa Roba Working Together the field will becomes a wasteland of emptyness
- 4 years ago
3,226 0
Fun/Casual Decks
540 -
Virus Deck With this deck you shall unleash a powerful Virus in your enemy's deck
- 4 years ago
14,394 0
Non-Meta Decks
240 120
Dark World Raviel Deck with Raviel at your side you shall steal your enemy's soul
- 4 years ago
4,450 0
Fun/Casual Decks
180 -
Iron Chain Deck Destruction Burn Deck with this deck you shall chain down and burn your enemy
- 4 years ago
4,954 0
Fun/Casual Decks
390 240
Sickening Virus Crush Card and Grinning Grave
- 4 years ago
2,787 0
Fun/Casual Decks
330 90
Mill Stall Deck Millers Favourite Deck
- 4 years ago
7,452 0
Fun/Casual Decks
390 390
Anti Exodia Dark Playing against Exodia online can be frustrating. Deck idea formulated after 4 Exodia encounters which i lost close. First Submission have fun with th
- 4 years ago
8,601 1
Fun/Casual Decks
630 480
Apocalypse Banish as many of your/your opponents' cards as possible, then use Gren Maju Da Eiza to finish them off. Spread chaos whenever possible.
- 4 years ago
3,934 0
Non-Meta Decks
480 300
Professional Deck Mill/Deck Out Leave your opponent without cards, Those who hate the extra deck.
- 4 years ago
25,434 2
Fun/Casual Decks
600 210
Virus Mill Mill your opponents deck down and protect yourself with large beast.
- 4 years ago
4,710 0